Welcome to Motherhood/Parenting

“Where Love Knows No Bounds & Strength Has No Limits”
A Letter to the New Mom
Dear New Mom,
You are finally home after giving birth to your new baby! You feel a sense of relief, yet so much anxiety and exhaustion. You look down at your baby and can’t imagine that anything in this world could be more perfect. You analyze them. You stare in awe.
Yes! You made this little human and he/she is all yours! The thought of that can be both terrifying and exciting!
You want to do everything right…you read books, ask questions…You vow to never do this or that. You will be the perfect parent. I see you in the office. I see the worried look on your face. I want to tell you it’s going to be okay. I want to tell you to relax and enjoy these moments because they are fleeting. You will barely remember how you worried about pee and poop and how exhausted you truly felt. The first three months will seem like a blur. So I tell parents to do their best.
The only thing you really need to do is “survive” these first three months. Do your best, respond when your baby cries, go through your list (is he/she hungry? dirty? tired? not feeling well?) If all the answers are no then maybe your baby is just having a bad day. We all do. Don’t tell yourself that you are a bad mom. Don’t tell yourself that you can’t do this. YOU CAN.
Your baby needs your love and attention. Your baby needs YOU. So the best advice I have for a new mom is…Don’t forget to take care of YOU too. Take a shower every day, go for a walk, sleep when you can, get out of your pajamas, eat healthy, drink lots of water, if someone offers to help you say YES! Your baby will be fine for a few minutes while you shower even if your spouse, mother, mother-in-law or friend doesn’t hold the baby as perfectly as you do. Trust me, the baby will be fine.
If you want to breast feed, do it. Go all in and give it a good chance. You really get one chance to really try and that’s right after your baby is born. It doesn’t take that long for your milk to stop coming if you don’t. The nursing baby is the best way for you to produce more milk. If you decide that breast feeding isn’t for you, or if you can not breast feed for any reason please do not tell yourself that you are a bad mom. We are lucky to have formulas that can also provide nourishment to your baby. It’s okay.
When you are having a bad day, remember all new moms have days like this too. You are not alone. Take a few deep breaths and admire the perfection that is your baby. Do something special for yourself every day. Even if it is as simple as talking to a friend or taking a bath. It matters. YOU matter.
-Elizabeth Vainder, M.D., F.A.A.P

Blog Posts

Pediatrician Recommended Ways to get Ready for Spring!
Pediatrician recommended ways to stay healthy this Spring!

#77: Measles: What you Need to Know
Measles: What you need to know
Elizabeth Vainder, M.D.

#76: Concussions: New Recommendations
What you need to know about concussions and kids and teens. A review of new recommendations, screen time and follow up.

#75: Kids & Anxiety
Kids & Anxiety: “What you need to Know”

Exciting News! Dr. Vainder will soon by providing personalized quality pediatric care to Florida residents

#74: What to do during the Formula Shortage
June 6, 2022 Help during the Formula Shortage: June 5, 2022

#72: Kids & Long-Haul Symptoms after Covid: What you Need to Know
Kids and the Long Haul Symptoms of Covid. What you Need to Know

#69: Creativity in Boredom
A reflection on the importance of being bored to discover our hidden talents and creativity.

#66: The Importance of Strength Training in Kids and Teens
The importance of Strength Training in the overall health of kids and teens.

#65 How Do I Know if My Child has Autism?
December 2, 2020 How do I know if my child has Autism? Hello and happy December! It’s hard to believe that…

#64: Friendship is Important for Your Health
November 18, 2020 Hi there! It’s Wednesday, so. you know what that means! it’s a new post! I hope you’re doing…

Get started with understanding what to feed your child, how much and how often.

#61: Teach Kids about their Heritage and a Second Language: It’s more important than ever!
October 28, 2020 I was reading an article the other day in JAMA Pediatrics about how patients that didn’t speak English…

#60: How to Recognize and Manage Stress in Your Kids
October 21, 2020 “She is having headaches and she is nauseous every morning before school. At night, she has trouble sleeping…

#59: Kids & Teens & the Development of Sense of Self
You’re scrolling through instagram and you see countless photos and videos of women in amazing shape and with what look like…

#57: Understanding Weightloss in Kids: The Facts
Free Guide for parents on Obesity and Kids

#56: Learning about appreciation and how to teach gratitude
The longing for the store bought dress: A lesson on gratitude and appreciation. August 19, 2020 During my high school years,…

#55: 4 Guaranteed Ways to learn faster: Part 4 – Effective Study Habits
Easy tips to help you study efficiently and retain information.

#54: 4 Guaranteed Ways to Learn Faster: Part 3 Understanding Memory
Guaranteed Ways to Learn Part 3. Learn how to maximize your memory. Learn easy to implement memory enhancing techniques

#53: 4 Guaranteed Ways to Learn Faster :Part 2
4 Guaranteed Ways to Learn Series : Part 2. Learn practical techniques to help you learn faster and more efficiently!

#52: 4 Guaranteed Ways to Learn Faster: Part 1
Part 1 of 4: 4 Guaranteed ways to learn faster by understanding how your brain works.

#51: The Secret to Success in Middle School for Parents & Students
August 12, 2020 Did you know that getting organized can actually help you get more done? I know this now, but…

#50: 4 Ways to create long lasting friendships & how to know if your child is just shy or is struggling with social anxiety
“In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. They keep the young out of mischief; they…

#49: A Story of Two Sisters: The Good Student and the “bad”: Recognizing Anxiety Early
July 29, 2020 In the summer kids usually come in for their check-ups. This is an opportunity for doctors to touch…

#47: Are you tired of trying to keep your child on a schedule? The importance of play.
May 20, 2020 As pediatricians, we frequently receive updates regarding topics of interest that the Academy of Pediatrics finds important for…

#46: How to help kids find their voice
May 13, 2020 “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible”-Walt Disney Perhaps you have been there. You are in a…

#45: How to help your child find out who they want to be: Finding your child’s super power
May 6, 2020 The question of who am I is one that we have all struggled with and perhaps may still…

#43: What kinds of chores can kids do during quarantine?
April 23, 2020 So you’re stuck at home and you’re running around getting everything done. It’s exhausting! As a parent it’s…

#42: An opportunity to boost self-esteem & have difficult conversations with your kids
April 15, 2020 You are home with your kids. They are not running off to school or to playdates or sports…

#40: The simple way to find out what your child is worried about
April 1, 2020 “Can you read me one more story?” “I’m thirsty”, “Can I go to the bathroom?” Parents all around…

#38: Look for the helpers….
March 17, 2020 I can still remember as a little girl sitting hours watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. There was something about…

#37: Coronavirus & your kids
Share with your friends!

#36: A list of cleaning products that work against the novel Coronavirus

#35: Are you nurturing your child’s true self?
March 11, 2020 That genuine smile from a baby is enough to melt the toughest of hearts. You know the one…the…

#33: 4 Ways to Encourage and Develop Creativity in Your Child
February 26, 2020 Happy Wednesday! Today I wanted to share with you an article that I read from the American Psychology…

#32: Is it a mental health issue, a physical problem or simply a lack of sleep?
February 19, 2020 Happy Wednesday! Today I wanted to share with you an article I read in Pediatric News written by Tara…

#31: 3 C’s To Help Your Anxious Child
February 12, 2020 Good morning and Happy Wednesday!! It seems that everywhere you read, you see that rates of anxiety are…

#30: 5 Ways to Give the Gift of Reading to your Child
February 5, 2020 “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”-Albert Einstein It is uncertain when babies understand…

#29: Parenting teens
January 29, 2020 It was a regular well visit for a young girl. She was 14 and there was clearly some…