“Parenting teens: Where patience and understanding lay the foundation for lasting connections and incredible growth.”

#79: 5 Baby Items You Should NOT Buy Used or Accept as Hand-Me-Downs
5 Baby items you should not buy used or take as hand me downs.

Pediatrician Recommended Ways to get Ready for Spring!
Pediatrician recommended ways to stay healthy this Spring!

#77: Measles: What you Need to Know
Measles: What you need to know
Elizabeth Vainder, M.D.

#76: Concussions: New Recommendations
What you need to know about concussions and kids and teens. A review of new recommendations, screen time and follow up.

#75: Kids & Anxiety
Kids & Anxiety: “What you need to Know”

Exciting News! Dr. Vainder will soon by providing personalized quality pediatric care to Florida residents